Sunday, October 7, 2012


we are ready for big debut of aintino sacar tonight

he cut a heel promo he said  im ready for the future of this company fans boo  i said i will challenge any one in the back and ready for title run either shemus or punk later tonight ,

first match aintino sacar def santino  sqaush

we interview the debut of aintino about his match he said i made prodgress in this company u see tonight if made decsion of fighting shemus or punk .

second match ry back def mark foley

third match tag team sin cara and ray jr def  cody roads  and ontonga

cena returns cuts a promo about his recent news about dating carter he said thats our business so tonights main event tag my choosen of partner is later tonight ,

EPW goes interactive who will cena choose of partner tonight vs nash and young

backstage young complains that i dont wrestle nash said dont worry me and punk got a plan

fans choice  votes are in

before main event shemus def jack swagger aintino attacks shemus after the match and stare down

main event tag team cena made a right choice is dainel bryan  fans goes crazy bryan and cena def young and nash

after match young and nash attacks cena  randy ortan  comes for the save  THE END !!!

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