Saturday, October 6, 2012


we interview aintino scar next week on EPW going 3 hours 6pm to 8pm est this monday heres the twitter inteview about his debut

TWITTER <<<<  are u excited about your debut this monday

AINTINO  <<<< yes very excited im playing a big role here to face either punk or shemus at ppv

TWITTER <<< are u going to be a heel or face while debut

AINTINO <<< well im a heel like being that role for now

TWITTER <<< who are u going to face at HELL IN A CELL

AINTINO  <<< dont know have to wait and see monday

TWITTER << we are impressed with the highlights of yours during your days in spain wrestling

AINTINO <<< im undeafted at spain wrestling company its my home country cant wait debut monday

TWITTER <<< last words of your EPW future

AINTINO  <<< im thrilled to be apart of of your company i have high hopes for my future just watch monday making a huge impact .

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