Sunday, March 4, 2012


we interview andy of his match return vs hhh he said he wants to face undertaker at wrestlemainia in two weeks he said im ready for u hhh

first match zack ryder vs drew zack ryder wins via flo rider move and face cena for fpw title in a tables match

second match james storm vs cody roads  storm def cody roads via super kick

up next cm punk talks to R truth about teaming vs the miz later tonight truth said little jimmy said yesss

arn anderson makes couple matches for wrestlemaina zack rider vs cena for fpw title in a tables and cm punk vs miz in a street fight match for wwe title

up next before main event cm punk and r truth vs miz and henry punk and truth def miz and henry via go to sleep and punk grabs the mike and said see u in two weeks miz

the main event andy vs hhh winner faces undertaker anderson comes in for commentary with king it was a back and forth for a while andy hit the choke slam on hhh for the two count then hhh hit the spine buster for the pediagree for the win

before the end of the show undertaker comes in for his challenge for hhh they had a stare down

THE END !! punk challenge miz in tables match next weeks show.

1 comment:

  1. i lost to hhh on fpw for the first time in history so i might face sombebody at wrestlemaina soon stay tuned who
