Sunday, March 18, 2012


has we kick off to road at wrestle mainia in mami in two weeks

first match is daniel brian vs santino brian wins

johnny ace makes his team vs andersons team he said here mine christan , henry,re kane,david otega

anderson fpw team is kofi,sting,brodus clay,randy ortan

randy ortan is the team captin anderson said i hope my team wins tag match at wrestlemainia johnny ace said lets have a main event preview tonight , bring it on

second match big show vs kevin nash big show def nash via wmd move while broc lensar attack him

third match cody roads vs heath slater cody wins easy

we interview cena of possible ryder for fpw title he said lets battle it out in two weeks cena said

before the main event broc lensar vs cm punk cm punk wins close match afterwards punk wants a match with the miz at wrestlemainia for title

main event fpw vs wwe tag match kofi was on fire earlier on but david otega comes in to hurt on koif he tags on randy ortan ortan was going to for the rko but  henry went for the save them starting beating each team while randy tags brodus clay monster vs monster awesome fans chaunt BRODUS CLAY  !! on and on brodus clay on fire doing the dance for the crowd , then tags sting sting went back and forth at christan sting goes for the death drop for the win fpw wins

wow shocking upset in the show fpw vs big ten who will win in two weesk, THE END !!!!

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