Sunday, September 8, 2013


road to hard core justice ppv  continues tonight

first match  steen def zack ryder  after the match barret attacks steen

second match big show def  heath slater

third match daneil bryan def  cm punk after the match ortan hit the finisher move then sheild comes out celbrates ,

we interview  ortan about tonights main event vs roads randy said just told vince it will be a your fired match in a steel cage if cody loses hes fired,

before main event   the miz def  fandango

dark match sin cara and ray jr def sheild non title

has we about to start main event steel cage vinces comes out to watch the match

randy ortan def cody roads in your fired match

after the match vinces comes to the ring tells cody YOUR FIRED !!! fans boo has ortan and vince celbrates but daneil bryan comes out and attacks ortan to celbrate with the crowd


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