Sunday, November 25, 2012


we kickoff road to TLC dec 15th on ppv 

also carter annouces no 1 continder for tlc punk vs edge 

edge cuts a promo huge pop from the crowd he said this is my last shot for epw title vs roode at tlc tonight punk u better be ready ,

first match  big show def zack ryder 

second match miz def jack swagger 

miz cuts a face promo crowd goes wild chaunts miz is awesome he said im the new improved miz im with all u fans till the end then ziggler interupts challenge miz to a match next week .

third match daneil bryan def david otonga 

before main event mix tag team cena and cater def  kevin nash and eve torries

carter made good debut match she made cena tag for the win though .

we interview carter about her partner im impressed with cena tonight this is one night ,

main event cm punk def  edge new no 1 continer for TLC


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