Sunday, September 9, 2012

EPW 100 LIVE !!!!

today we celbrate history of  epw new arena and look has we kicked off our celbration

boby roode  cuts a promo and very upset that he lost last weeks continders match he said i will face cm punk at the next ppv hell in a cell

carter interupt roode she said this is 100  fans goes nuts  she said roode u will face  a oppenet for ppv and tonight u face  randy ortan before main event good luck,

we go interactive all night tonight u fans decide what match type is

first match heath slater vs ???

fans vote who will heath slater face which legend

fans voted


edge vs slater  edge wins via spear

third match big show vs daneil brayn

fans voted what match type


big show def daneil bryan

we interview boby roode  about tonight vs randy ortan he said thats not fair but i will get title shot next ppv u see im the IT factor

dark match tensi def alex riley

bouns type match ryder vs ??

fans voted who will face ryder


wade barret def ryder  quick one

before main event  fans voted what type match for roode vs randy ortan


randy ortan def boby roode via RKO made him bleed

main event cm punk vs cena title match fans voted final pool match

fans voted <<<


cm punk def cena after the match group of mask guys attacking cena cm punk is celbrated has we ready for ppv ths sunday THE END

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