Monday, August 20, 2012


live  has summer slam nears we sat down with boxer and fan mike tyson who might return next weeek

TWITTER << what do decide to come back next week

TYSON <<< im in wwe for long time since attiude aera vs stone cold awesome feeling cant wait to come back.

TWITER <<<  what u think of summer slam lastnight

TYSON << laughs i was there at ring side it was epic cant wait to wrestle at hardcore justice in sept

TWITTER <<< theres rumors if u showed up or via you tube or satle light

TYSON <<< welll i may not make it next week so i might make a you tube apperance for u fans

TWITTER <<< will u be there in sept show in two weeks

TYSON << yes i will be on you tube  but not show cause im about to permote wwe 13

TWITTER <<< final interview  what will u do when u show up the next week after

TYSON <<< will attend episode next time but will be at you tube to permote wwe 13 game this fall .

THE END !!!! tyson will be guest host on you tube next week

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