Sunday, July 22, 2012


we are live from denver colorado has we do momet of silents after what happends fridays shooting

before we kick off fans chants USA USA USA to honor the victims,

first match  ray jr def slater ray jr cries to point for victims

second match big show def kofi and truth handicap

cm punk and dixey talked backstage  about what happend  but interupted by bryan

bryan cuts a promo about dixey carter theres something about those two they make great couple .

fans boo while carter interupted we are just freinds has for tonight u bryan face cm punk tonight good luck

third match tag team andy and cena vs miz and wade barret

andy teams wins while andy and cena celbrated for the denver crowd to honor

we try to interview cena but myster group attacked him who are they

main event cm punk def bryan  the attackers at it again attacking cm punk and bryan to end the show ,

who are those guys to close out ,


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